Philadelphia Construction Law Blog
Tag: General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Oct 17, 2014.
Skyscrapers have become a normal part of the skyline in many major metropolitan areas. Many of them are far in excess of 100 floors in the modern world. Can you name the first building in the world to have 100 floors or more though? For extra credit, how long did it take to build this building?
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Tags: Construction Trivia, General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Sep 12, 2014.
One of the most famous buildings in the modern world was designed by Charles L’Enfant and was the largest residence in the United States until the Civil War. Identify the building and it’s location. For extra credit, name the first family to live in the building.
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Tags: Construction Trivia, General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Aug 22, 2014.
The Hoover Dam is still considered one of the most impressive engineering and construction accomplishments of all time. Relying on the largest known reservoir in the United States, it provides massive amounts of hydroelectric power to the power grid. But it was not always called the Hoover Dam.
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Tags: Construction Trivia, General, Hoover Dam
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on May 20, 2014.
It’s primary election day in Pennsylvania. The ballot includes choices for governor and luetenant govnernor, Congress, state representative, and others. Voting is a special privilege that many in the world do not enjoy. Our elected officals have a huge impact on the economy at large and, specifically, the construction industry. So get out and vote today!
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Tags: Election Day, General, Voting
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 14, 2014.
There is an ongoing debate in the construction and development industry about the usefulness of building more office space. Technology has made workers more mobile, particularly when it comes to traditional “desk jobs. This discussion is prompted in part by the amount of office space already available.
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Tags: Construction Trivia, General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 7, 2014.
This week’s trivia question tests your knowledge of famous construction projects. It involves an oft seen piece of Americana known all over the world.
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Tags: Construction Trivia, General, Kaplin Stewart
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Uncategorized on Dec 21, 2012.
As lawyers, our clients look to us for answers. But we also learn from our clients. Winning strategies come from a combination of legal know-how and a clear understanding of the problems our clients face and the trends in the construction world. To this second point, the following is an article entitled “Out Educate, Out Build, Out Innovate” posted on the Metal Construction News website by one of Kaplin Stewart’s clients. It’s author, Gary Smith, is currently the president or Thomas Phoenix International and will be the president of the Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association in 2013. ____________________ “Out Educate, Out Build, Out Innovate” was the title of a recent National Education and Action Summit I attended organized by the U.S. Department of Labor. Its focus was to reflect on the important contributions of registered apprenticeship programs on the 75th anniversary of the signing of the National Apprenticeship Act. I was thrilled to participate in this important summit. Since I returned from Washington, D.C., I’ve been thinking about the title and how it applies to my company, Thomas Phoenix International. With regards to “Out Build,” I would pit my Thomas Phoenix crews against any in the world. I know my men are superior: they are highly skilled, highly professional and committed to their trade. They are skilled craftsmen who know how to deliver complex pre-engineered buildings. The Thomas Phoenix team all subscribe to a code that Jim Owen, author of “Cowboy Ethics,” calls the “Code of the West:” Live […]
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Tags: Clients, Contractors and Erectors Association, General, Metal Building
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Nov 6, 2012.
It’s election day. Be sure to get out and vote!
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Tags: General, Pennsylvania
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Aug 31, 2012.
We here at Kaplin Stewart are excited about our new blog. But we also think it is important to stop, take the time to inquire if we can make it better, and listen to the answers. In this regard, we would love to hear from you. Please let us know how we are doing. Comments, questions, or suggestions are all welcome. We look forward to getting your thoughts!
Tags: General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Jun 11, 2012.
Television has glamorized contractor criticism of late. Often times, a rip-out and rebuild is recommended when it is unnecessary. This type of sensationalism makes for good TV, but the suggestion that a home with a construction defect be completely ripped apart, requiring complete re-construction, is often not a smart move legally.
Tags: Economic Waste, General, Pennsylvania